Houssen's Dog Training Center

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Get your free color puppy training manual located on this page. Download it and print it for future use.

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See our dogs and some personal history in pictures. Kind of a dogs life family album. Try not to get bored.

FAQ Questions and answers on Dog Behavior Problems

Choose the Puppy that is Right For You.
Dozens of breeds
with descriptive

Darr's Pet Tips column. Learn from Darr's newspaper columns

Dog Training Streaming Audio and Video

Watch the Flash Intro Again

( return to Free Downloads )

Video Dog Training Obedience Tapes & CD-ROM's

Are you are considering our
"Houssen Dog Training Package Special"

but not quite convinced as of yet?

All kinds of audio and video samples are listed on this page

You will need either Real Audio or QuickTime. I have only included one QuickTime File at this time. I willing to put them all up in QuickTime as well if I get enough requests. If your Browser is Exploer you may not have Quicktime on your computer. If you don't and another application opens up with errors, go get QuickTime for permanent installation. If you don't get it now you will later as it is now an acceptable standard.


Excerpts from the"Training You To Train Your Dog" video series


Introduction "Training You To Train Your Dog"
Choosing a Puppy
Training Section

REAL VIDEO (must download first)

Introduction in RealAudioVideo
Choosing a Puppy in RealVideo
Training Section in RealVideo

NEW - NOVEMBER 22-1999

Hear is a 5 minute QuickTime Movie sample of training methods used on the "Speed Training Your Puppy" video.
Even if you do not purchase anything from us, this a must see. No reason to even download. It's streaming video. This video is for either a new puppy owner or a skeptic seasoned trainer to view.

Speed Training Your Puppy :"Streaming" Quicktime Video. 5 minutes.

Just some of what you will see and learn and how fast......

  • Jumping up... will teach the dog in 5 seconds not to jump up (all aged dogs)
  • Stealing Food....will teach the dog in 5 seconds not to steal food or personal objects (all aged dogs)
  • Mouthing....will teach the dog in 15 seconds or less not to mouth you or play bite you. (All aged dogs)
  • Sit and Stay... will teach the dog in 15 seconds (puppies over 3 months) (all aged dogs)
Sorry....the dog learns in 15 seconds or less but we will have to teach you how to do it. If you are a natural communicator with dogs you will learn how to teach theses methods within a couple of minutes.

CD-ROM. "Training Puppies Mother Natures Way

Introduction with Darr and Beanie RealVideo G2
Introduction with Jim and Gauner-too RealVideo G2

Dealing with aggressive dogs in Streaming QuickTime (this is a sample from the CD-ROM "Training Puppies Mother Nature's Way"
Dealing with aggressive dogs in Streaming RealAudio (this is a sample from the CD-ROM "Training Puppies Mother Nature's Way"
Sandy the mixed breed attempting an escape from his kennel. See how smart dog's really can be!

Video clips from television news feeds
( from the most recent - to be added periodically as we get time to get them on line.)

Snoopy on TV in RealVideo
3 minute video from ATV Television. Shows "Previously aggressive yet small, Snoopy and the training results in a very short period. Notice the hand command signals in just a few weeks. Check the links below as well for the Dealing with Aggressive Dogs with Jim Houssen section below for a video clip that will be on line this or next week showing "before" and "after" clips. After one week. 2 hours of training by Jim Houssen with follow ups by the master.

Other Videos

Puppy Training with Darr Houssen (coming soon)

"Speed Training" Your Dog Mother Nature's Way" with Jim Houssen included in Special offer (Quicktime streaming 5 minute sample on top of this page)
"This is a must video for new dog owners, new as well as seasoned trainers. You will see dog's do what they are asked to do within 15 seconds and in many instances, 5 seconds. Yes this is a bold statement to make, but this is the promise. The secret. There is no secret. We communicate with the dog at their level. Then we bring them to our level. No clickers, no food no fear. Just mutual respect and love and an understanding of how mother nature communicates with animals. Works with dogs as soon as they open their eyes and start to play with their liter mates. Why argue with mother nature? Mother nature ( really the higher up ) has allowed thousands of years to perfect this training method. Clickers, food, halties, choke chains and what have you are methods man has invented. And you can be sure that man did not start training dogs this way thousands of years ago. Right!

Coming Soon video clips are from specialty videos

Dealing with Aggressive Dogs with Jim Houssen
"There are many reasons dogs can be aggressive. It is very seldom that you will encounter a dog that is just plain bad. This video will deal with every kind of aggression and ways to deal and modify it's behavior. This video is recommended for trainers that want to increase their skills in this area. It is not recommended for the casual dog owner."

Agility & Flyball Training with Darr Houssen

Limited Time Extra Special discount on dog training products. Over $365.00 of videos and products for $77.95
Also get your free color puppy training manual located on this page.

"Woof"! (Strato)

Strato attempting an escape. In RealVideo
No one taught him to think this out. He figured it out by himself.

Strato having a harder time escaping in RealVideo
He uses his wits and patience, He will amaze you. Who said dog's were dumb animals

Strato, our 7 year old shepherd. Doesn't he look mischievous? He is! Here are a couple of Real Audio- video files (small) that will show how smart Strato really is. He will, use his brains, and was not trained by anyone to open kennel doors the way he does. You will see by the videos it is no accident of chance but a well though out plan to get out of the kennels. Sure...dogs are dumb animals. Don't believe it! That is what our training methods are all about. We work with their natural intelligence and focus it. This is mother nature's way of educating animals. And in this case dogs.

And just released two (2) CD-ROM's
"Training Dog's Mother Nature's Way VOL 1 & VOL 2. - CD-ROM
Now included with special video training package